Do you often see your dog doing something strange out of the corner of your eye? Usually, if it doesn’t look like they are hurting themselves, you just carry on with your day. But why do our furry friends randomly start howling or chasing their tails – do you need to be concerned that your dog is going a bit crazy? Not necessarily – usually, they are just being themselves. Here are 5 of the weirdest dog behaviors explained:

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  1. Howling: Although some dogs might take it too far (looking at you, huskies), howling is generally seen as a cute quirk of our pets. Whether reacting to a squirrel outside or simply releasing some energy, most dogs retain their howling instincts from their time as wolves. Howls and vocalizations are an essential part of the communication between dogs in the same family.
  2. Staring: You might sometimes catch a glimpse of your dog staring intensely at you, but fear not! Your dog is probably just trying to get its owner’s attention to play or receive a treat. While some dogs might see eye contact as a threat, the vast majority of dogs will consider it a bonding moment between themselves and you. In fact, mutual eye contact between humans and dogs releases oxytocin, called by some “the love hormone.”
  3. Head Tilting: Just as humans might nod to a coworker’s story, dogs will often tilt their heads when listening to their owner. This behavior from the dog attempts to show the human that they are engaging in social play and encourages more interaction between the dog and owner. It also helps them to focus and pick out one of the words that they know, such as “walk,” “outside,” or “treat.” Make sure to recognize your dog’s body language to ensure they are not tilting their head excessively; this might be a cause for concern. But a dog just acting silly as you talk with them is a natural behavior!
  4. Chasing Their Tail: Everyone knows about dogs chasing their tails. Most dogs, even as young as puppies, develop this behavior as a way to expel energy and have some fun. Puppies especially can get lost in this activity for a long time. If their owner watches, laughing along as encouragement, the puppy may come to understand that tail chasing is a healthy and fun form of bonding with their owner. If you have an older dog, you should ensure that this activity only happens because the dog wants to have fun. Excessive tail chasing could indicate an issue developing at the dog’s rear. Vets will be able to find the problem, whether it be worms or fleas, so make sure to keep an eye out for any strange behavior.
  5. Kissing and Licking Your Hand: Licking is a natural, instinctual behavior for dogs. Towards other dogs, it is a way to groom each other, bond, and express their feelings. But this also applies to their owners! Even though excessive slobber might be a tad gross at times, know that your dog considers you a part of its pack. They might even be giving you a slight hint that your grooming needs improvement.

At some point, your dog’s quirky behavior might begin to worry you – if so, you can check with your vet to see if there is any reason for concern. If the behavior is something that you can resolve through training, call a local Bradenton dog trainer to help. At Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training, we love and respect every dog that comes to our facility – and we are dedicated to ensuring that they are a happy and healthy member of your household.