Summer brings new opportunities for fun both indoors and out.  In earlier blogs we have warned dog owners about the dangers of summer heat, but today we are talking about fun ways to enjoy our favorite season. Homemade dog treats are a great way to use up some produce in your fridge and give your best canine friend something interesting and healthy to munch on.

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In-Season Ingredients for Dog Treats

Fresh – or mostly fresh – produce is a great treat for your furry friend. Many dogs love snacking on produce raw but you can also mix them into yummy treats. This is an easy way to save money instead of buying treats from the store, and also a great practice if your dog has allergies.

Raw fruits and vegetables are also a good alternative to high calorie treats for dogs that need to lose a bit of weight. Some dog-safe fruits and vegetables that are in season include:

  • Apples (with the core removed)
  • Bananas
  • Pears
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Bell peppers
  • Zucchini

Important to Remember: Whenever new foods are introduced into your dog’s diet, there is a chance of some stomach upset so don’t let Fido eat too many treats at once.


Everyone loves a popsicle to help cool down after some time in the sun, and that includes dogs. Not only are they fun (and messy!) on a warm day these treats can help keep your dog hydrated. Grocery store popsicles aren’t the most dog friendly between the high amount of sugar and the risk of ingredients like xylitol which is toxic to dogs. Instead, just whip up your own batch!

Recipes for pupsicles (puppy popsicles) are super simple and easy to play around with. Start with a base such as water, chicken broth, or greek yogurt. From there, take your produce of choice and blend it with the base until it is smoothie consistency. Freeze your mixture overnight and in the morning you’ll have a nice batch of pupsicles Fido will love.

As far as combinations go, the possibilities are endless. For a fruity popsicle, combine yogurt with bananas and strawberries. The water in watermelon can act as it’s own base, and can be combined with blueberries and carrots for some lovely colors. Chicken broth, celery, and bell peppers are sure to be a hit even with the pickiest of pups.

A popsicle mold or an ice cube tray (especially handy if you have a smaller dog) is all you need to make these frozen treats a reality. If you love to take pictures of your furry friend, splurge on fun molds to create Instagram worthy pupsicles.

Get Creative

There are hundreds of recipes for frozen puppy treats online, easy to find with just the click of a button. That means there’s tons of inspiration and possibilities for you to explore.

Aside from produce, herbs can be a practical addition to your homemade treats. Toss a small amount of peppermint or parsley into your mix to freshen Fido’s breath. Basil and rosemary act as antioxidants and a good source of vitamins. Be careful to only use fresh or dried herbs and never put essential oils in treats. Oils and tinctures are highly concentrated forms of the herbs and can be toxic to dogs.

As always, if you are unsure if an ingredient is safe for dogs to eat, do a quick google search to make sure your pup stays happy, healthy, and cool.

Keep dogs happy and healthy is what Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training is all about. Dogs thrive when they know the rules and boundaries and learn to follow them. Good training eliminates confusion, keeps them safe and allows them to please you, which is their favorite thing to do! If your dog is in need of obedience training for the first time, or simply needs a refresher course, give us a call today.