As of this writing, Floridians have been asked not to go to the beach as we cooperate to get through the current crisis as quickly as possible. However, we look forward with anticipation to warm summer days and getting out amongst our friends and neighbors – and their dogs!

As summer approaches and we all contemplate a return to our beautiful beaches, you may be asking if it is appropriate to take your dog to the beach. Here is everything you need to know.

dog training Parrish

First and foremost, it is important to point out that most public beaches in the Sarasota area do not allow dogs. However, there are several dog beaches which are designated for your pooch. After all, shouldn’t they enjoy living in paradise as well? Dogs love to play in the surf, chase frisbees in the sand, and interact with other furry friends – so be sure to check out our area dog beaches if you determine that your dog is well-suited for it.

Here’s a Hint: If you are a boater, there are hundreds of uninhabited, tiny barrier islands around our Keys. Many residents enjoy letting their dogs out on these unpopulated beaches after an exhilarating ride on the waves.

Remember, you won’t be the only ones out at the beach – not by a long shot. If your dog has any anxiety or hasn’t been properly socialized, you may be asking for trouble. On a hot summer day there may be hundreds of dogs running around the beach – barking, playing, stealing toys from one another. It is best to be very sure that your dog is comfortable in such an environment in order to avoid any fights or confrontations. Remember that not every dog out there is as well-behaved and trained in obedience as yours is – so be sure they can handle the chaos.

Experts Say: Bring your dog to a dog park near you several times to make sure your dog is up for the party. A dog park at the beach may not be enclosed, and you don’t want your dog to get spooked and run. If they can handle themselves well in an enclosed, controlled environment with other dogs, they will probably do great at the beach.

It is important to note that like humans, dogs can be harmed by too much sun. Be sure to keep a close eye on your dog. Provide him with plenty of fresh drinking water, and provide shade by way of an umbrella or canopy if possible. You will want to keep an eye open for any signs of dehydration or heat stroke as well – such as excessive, sticky saliva; uncontrolled panting, red gums, dizziness, or vomiting.

If you are planning to bring your dog with you to the beach this summer, plan his summer haircut to make sure that he has enough fur to protect him from sunburn.

Finally, you’ll want to make sure that your dog can handle the car ride. If your dog tends to get sick in the car, sun exposure will likely make him feel even worse. For any car or boat trip, be sure that your dog is comfortable and not anxious.

Living in South Florida is truly a special experience, and sharing our beautiful beaches with our best friends is a treasured pastime. Just make sure that you are prepared and vigilant, and you and your dog are sure to have a great time. If you need help with socialization, obedience training, or even helping your dog overcome stress-  call Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training. We’ll have your dog ready for summer fun in no time.