With fall fast approaching, the weather is becoming pleasant enough for long walks with your dog without sweltering in the heat. If you can dedicate the time to it, enhancing your daily dog walks will enrich your pup’s life in many ways. Check out these tips if you want to extend your daily walks but don’t know how to fill the time.

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Walk With Other Dog Owners: Fabulous weather will bring out more dog owners for extended walks, and meeting up with new dogs is an excellent way for your dog to socialize and let loose. Walking with other dog owners enables you and your dog to get quality time with friends during your much-needed daily exercise. Cooler weather will also allow the dogs to play to their heart’s content without heating up too quickly. If your pup is not comfortable around other dogs just yet, slowly introducing them to your neighbors’ pets during walks at a safe distance might help them break out of their shell.

Change Up Your Route: Walking the same route daily can become monotonous for you and your pet. Fall’s changing landscape and sceneries might be the perfect opportunity to venture out in new directions, even if that just means a different road through your neighborhood. Your dog will love the brand new sights, sounds, and smells that the change in environment will bring. You might even find that the new route is superior to your old one!

Bring Your Dog Out For Special Occasions: If the weather cools down and the pavement with it, you might want to try experimenting with bringing your dog out and about on the town. There are many dog-friendly restaurants, stores, and beaches that your dog would be delighted to visit periodically. The goal of a walk should be to help your pet exercise and socialize as much as possible. Anyone who has brought their dog out to a public place, where they get pets and scratches from potentially hundreds of friendly strangers, knows that their dog comes home entirely wiped out from a long day. However, always check if your dog is comfortable in these situations; some dogs respond better than others.

Let Your Dog Lead The Way: If you decide you want to extend your walks as the weather cools down, it might be fun sometimes to let your dog do all the work. Instead of yanking them out of the bush to get home on time, let them go as they please, smell what they like, and lead the way. You might even notice your dog confused at this new sense of freedom! As long as they are behaving safely and you have the time to humor them, your pup will love exploring at his own pace and doing things he usually can’t do on a routine daily walk.

Play During Your Walk:
If you have a long leash or bring your dog to a park during your walk, consider bringing some toys along and making a day out of it. Even if you often play with your dog at home, a new environment will enhance their enjoyment and make them feel special, like you genuinely care about them. A ball, disc, or even a chew toy to carry as they walk is an excellent thing to carry along if you want to create unique, lasting memories with your pet.

A daily walk does not have to be routine. This fall, make an effort to spice up your dog’s walks and have fun yourself at the same time.

Here at Gulf Coast K9 Dog Trainers, we are committed to your dog’s health and safety.  If you are in need of obedience classes or training, call our Bradenton facility today.