Living in South Florida allows us to enjoy the water, but our dogs do not always share the sentiment. Some dogs absolutely hate getting wet at both playtime and bath time. If your dog has a fear or hatred of water, it might have a bad experience in its past that has never been addressed. Teaching your dog to enjoy the water can not only help it work through some fears and trauma, but it can also reduce stress from your life and provide a myriad of opportunities for more bonding and fun with the family. Your dog will flock to the bath or run outside in the rain in no time.

dog safety

Help Your Pet Get Comfortable with Water

There are more effective ways to create a positive association with rain for your pup than immediately tossing your dog into the rain.

Following a rain storm, when the grass is damp, and puddles are everywhere, take your dog on a walk and make sure to bring many treats to calm your pet’s nerves and distract them from all of the new sights, sounds, and smells. Some animals might take a liking to splashing around in puddles sooner than others, but dogs who hate water should not be stressed simply by walking outside after a rainstorm.

You can also attempt to play with your dog’s favorite toy during a light drizzle or immediately following a rainstorm. In a safe and familiar area, such as a backyard, throw a tennis ball or similar toy into the yard and watch as your dog ignores the rain to chase their absolute favorite toy.

Many dogs have more difficulty adjusting to a bath than rain outside. Not only is a bath often loud, but restraining a dog to pour water overtop of them is much different from allowing them to run around outside in the rain. It is recommended to draw the bath with the dog out of the bathroom as it will enable them to discover and investigate the tub without the rush of loud water scaring them away. When it is bath time, entice them into the room with treats and try to create a positive atmosphere. This ensures your dog associates the bath with positive emotions and yummy treats.

Preparing the tub is an important step that many pet owners overlook. One of the most common reasons dogs loathe bathtime is their fear of losing control when in the tub. Tubs can be slippery when wet and cause confusion for a scared pup in a new environment. A plastic shower mat or a towel can be used to provide grip for your dog, so they feel more in control of the situation. On the same note, it is recommended that you allow your dog to come into the bath on its own accord instead of dropping it in. Bait them into the tub with treats and let them decide to overcome the ‘scary water.’

If your dog is safely in the bathtub and accepting of the situation, make the bath as quick and straightforward as possible. Prepare pet-safe shampoos and soaps beforehand, and remember to use a shower head to rinse off your dog instead of forcing them underwater or dumping water over its head from a bucket. When everything is said and done, warm them up in a soft towel and provide more treats. Your dog might not love the process, but they will love the care and attention they receive after.

Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training works with Sarasota and Manatee dog owners to help train their pets to live happy, secure, and confident lives. Call us today for more information.