Last updated July 17th, 2017.

I am often asked many questions about human and dog interaction. I think one thing we always need to remember is to keep your dog’s best interest in mind when interacting or being surrounded by guests. Not every dog is the same, and they all have different tolerance levels for stress. While your dog may LOVE people, your family, your kids… they may not love them all together and for a long period of time.

For example, the holidays are a happy time full of family gatherings in your Manatee County home, so it is important to take a step back and check in with your four legged friend. Lots of doorbell ringing, strangers or just plain lots of people (who may have also brought their dog) and noise in your home for the evening can be very stressful to your dog. There are some things to look for in your dog’s behavior to make sure that they are handling this situation ok.

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Is your dog displaying these characteristics… excessive panting, pacing, circling, rigid body language, rapid lip licking, perked ears, tucked tail, raised hackles (doggie mohawk) or wide eyes? Well these are all signs of stress, especially multiple signals paired together. Remember tail wagging does not necessarily equal a “happy” dog, it just indicates arousal. Dogs that happily lick your face and dogs who are fighting are all wagging their tail!

So, what can you do to help your dog you wonder? Well here are a few tips…
Get your dog out for a walk before and even during your gathering. Walking can help them shed their stress and burn some of their adrenaline.

Give them some time relaxing in your bedroom or in their kennel. Time away from the crowd is never a bad thing. This will help your dog to distress and return refreshed.

Use their leash to remind them to walk away from situations that they are uncomfortable in. Remember their leash is the best way to help remove your dog from a tense scenario.

Finally, be your dog’s wingman. Step in and stop situations that they are uncomfortable in. They will respect you for this!

Stress is a layer as you go game. This means that all of the events build until a release of stress occurs. Loud, noisy, scary toys, kids running and playing, doorbells, crazy Uncle “Bob” trying to stick his face in your dogs face and then finally a small child pulling or poking your dog can be that final straw causing your dog to react in a less than desirable way.

While it is important to monitor children and dogs at all times, I know that we are also pulled in lots of directions causing our distraction from the situation. Just remember, keep checking in with your dog and monitor the child and dog interactions. No matter how awesome your dog is, tail pulling, riding, sitting on, poking and other inappropriate behaviors a child has with your dog are just that, inappropriate! Be your dog’s advocate and step in where your do not want them taking care of these things on their own!

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