Dog owners don’t need to be assured of their furry friend’s love, but it is interesting to know that dogs communicate affection in a number of ways. In fact, dogs communicate love and affection in at least ten different ways – take a look at this list and see how many of these gestures your dog shares on a daily basis.

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How Dogs Say “I Love You”

  1. Maintaining Eye Contact: Long, sustained gazes are only offered to those you love and trust – and dogs act in the same way. Maintaining eye contact means they recognize your importance and they trust and respect you, which is especially important during dog training. Holding their gaze also helps build your bond, as when your pet looks at you, their brain produces oxytocin – the same “love hormone” that human mothers’ brains release when they bond with their infants. Pet owners should hold eye contact while you’re playing or cuddling, but make it natural, not forced.
  2. Leaning On You: Similar to making eye contact, most people won’t just lean against someone they don’t like or trust – and neither will dogs. If your dog leans against or on you when you are sitting, it indicates that they feel safe and comfortable -enough to beg for pets and cuddles. Some dogs will lean on their owners when they’re scared or anxious as well, but the behavior is born out of trust.
  3. Sleeping in Your Bedroom: If your dog is not permitted to sleep in your bed if they love you, they will try to stay in your room anyway. Wanting to be close to you while you’re sleeping indicates that your dog is completely loyal to his “pack” and doesn’t want to be separated overnight. If you don’t let them jump up with you, prepare a comfy dog bed for them to sleep on.
  4. Happy Greetings: If your dog jumps around, licks your face, or greets you with a favorite toy when you get home, they are totally in love with you.
  5. Stealing Shoes and Socks: Dogs who have strong affection for their owners are addicted to their scents— and are likely to pillage the shoe closet or laundry basket for stinky socks or T-shirts that remind them of you. However, if your dog tends to chew these items, provide them with appropriate chew toys instead of your favorite sneakers. These toys provide engagement and can keep them busy while you aren’t home.
  6. They Keep Tabs On You: Your dog may not always be at your side, but that doesn’t mean they don’t adore you. If your dog “checks in” on you often or turns around to look at you during walks, they are making sure you are still close.
  7. Craving Physical Contact: Physical affection is essential for any relationship, including one with your dog. Looking for pets, cuddles, and gentle hugs are strong signals that you and your dog are truly bonded.
  8. Smiling at You: It’s not just crazy dog-owner imagination – some dogs actually learn how to “smile” when they are happy. Rewarding them with a big smile and happy voice will assure them of your love as well.
  9. Tail Wagging: A dog wagging its tail is thought to be the quintessential sign of happiness or affection in dogs but according to some studies, tail wagging can indicate a range of emotions. Still, dog owners can learn to identify their dog’s super happy wag that is reserved for the one they love.
  10. Relaxed Ears: Floppy dog ears indicate that they are comfortable. Conversely, if your dog’s ears are sticking straight up, they are probably alert or tense – and flattened ears signal a state of fear. Relaxed ears mean the dog is relaxed, too.

Your dog represents one of the closest relationships you can have. But if your dog is having trouble moderating their behavior, bring them to Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training. We will work with your dog to ensure that you can cultivate the safe and happy relationship you all deserve.