Housetraining can be challenging and discouraging to new dog owners if they don’t understand what steps to take. Puppies need training, guidance, and a lot of patience. But not to worry – with the right supervision and prompt responses to their “mistakes,” any new dog owner can learn to fully housetrain their puppy in no time.

Here are some of the basic steps necessary to teach your puppy to potty appropriately.

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  1. Supervision is Key: As convenient as it would be, your dog will not housetrain himself. Supervision is vital to the process. If you aren’t paying attention and your puppy has an accident in your house, you’ve lost the teachable moment. Unfortunately, disciplining them when you discover the accident will not help – dogs simply will not be able to associate your scolding with something they did in the past. It’s essential that you actively supervise your puppy so that any mistakes can be addressed as they occur  – and appropriate feedback can be offered. This may include first interrupting them, then bringing them outside. No harsh rebuke will be necessary. If you are not able to supervise at any given time, use an appropriate crate to make sure you don’t come home to a mess.
  2. Establish a Schedule: A the beginning of the process, keeping a schedule is very important. Watch your puppy to learn their bathroom habits and timing (writing it down can be helpful.) Most puppies will need to pee after waking up, eating, and playing. Be sure to take them outside after these activities, utilizing a leash to guide them where you want them to go – and give them a lot of praise and petting when they do.
  3. Feedback is Essential: Don’t forget the last part of Step 2 – praising them when they do what you expect them to is vital to the success of your housetraining. Conversely, when they are caught eliminating indoors, stop them and offer no praise but redirection. Remember, puppies are learning all about their world and how it works. When they potty (no matter where they are), it is a relief, and it feels good. Without your immediate feedback (whether good or bad), they really don’t know the difference.
  4. Transfer Responsibility: Once your dog begins to comprehend that they need to potty outdoors, it is appropriate to transfer the onus of responsibility onto them to indicate when they need to go outside. Decide how you’d prefer to have your puppy let you know that they need to go out and set it up. Maybe you want your dog to approach you, sit quietly and stare. Maybe you want them to sit by the door and bark. Whatever your desired action, start acting it out. The next time that you bring your dog out to their scheduled outing, have them perform the action. Do this over and over until they associate going out to potty with that behavior.

Remember those things you should not do when housetraining your dog:

  • Do not expect your dog to train himself – stay present and vigilant.
  • Do not discipline them if you discover a mistake after the fact.
  • Do not forget to offer effusive praise when they do the right thing.
  • Do not get frustrated.

Housetraining your dog is basic, but there are many ways your dog will need to be taught and trained – especially during their first year. If you need help training your dog with basic commands, loose leash walking, or even specialized skills training, call the professional team at Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training in Bradenton. We are here to help.