Grooming your dog can be a daunting task, especially when you are balancing all the other aspects of your busy life. It may seem overwhelming – but with a few simple dog grooming tips, you can get your pooch into a routine of grooming that works for both of you.

Remember, associating any activity with positive reinforcementis a great way to get your dog to not only tolerate, but look forward to the process. Stay upbeat, offer treats when it is over, and give lots of praise for good behavior!

dog grooming sarasota

Easy Dog Grooming Tips

Ignoring grooming for too long can cause health issues for your dog and can make them unnecessarily uncomfortable. By setting up a simple schedule and getting them used to the routine, you can make their life better – and your life easier!

Make a Habit of Brushing: One of the most important things you can do for your dog is to brush him regularly. This helps reduce shedding and prevents matting of his fur,  which can be uncomfortable for your dog. Matting causes knots, and trying to get those knots out can hurt! If mats are too thick, you may need to clip them off (or have your dog groomed by a professional.)

Look into the various kinds of brushes available for dogs and make sure you get the one best suited for your dog’s hair type. This can help make the experience more enjoyable for you both. Depending on your dog’s breed, you may also want to invest in a shedding tool. This specialized tool targets their undercoat, which can get very uncomfortable in hot weather if not thinned out.

Don’t Forgo the Bath: Bath time is not always fun, but it is necessary.  Depending on your dog’s temperament, bath time can be a fun or challenging experience. Nevertheless, we all feel better clean, and that goes for Fido as well. To help the process, brush their coat before you bathe them. Make sure you use a shampoo made for dogs as human shampoo can hurt their skin. Take the time to completely rinse all the shampoo off your dog and out of your dog’s fur, as shampoo left on a canine can irritate their skin.

Give Them a Manicure: Nail care can be one of the more tricky aspects of grooming. Regular walks and activity will help keep their nails worn down to a degree, but you still will need to trim your dog’s nails. If you opt to trim their nails at home, make sure you have a high-quality pair of clippers made specifically for a dog’s nails. Read and follow all the instructions so you don’t clip the nails too low and cause pain or bleeding. Most groomers and veterinarians are happy to help you if you don’t feel confident trimming the nails yourself.

Don’t Neglect Oral Hygiene: Investing in a brush and dog toothpaste can help prevent a myriad of problems for your dog. Regular brushing helps reduce the buildup on their teeth and can help their breath as well at their health. Veterinarians offer services to deep clean teeth, and you may want to consider this from time to time. Your dog may be put under anesthesia for this procedure, so the cost can be higher.

Keep These Tips in Mind:

1. Take care not to tug or pull hair while brushing
2. Avoid getting water in their ears
3. Avoid getting shampoo in their eyes or ears

If you have the opportunity, acclimating your dog to regular grooming from a young age will help you both. They will get used to the process and even enjoy it, which makes it easier on you. For more dog training tips and ideas on how to raise a happy and healthy dog, you can rely on the experts at Gulf Coast K9 Dog Trainers.