Does my dog really miss me when I’m gone? It is a question we hear a lot.  Whether inspired by “doggy parent guilt” or just wanting to know if their dog’s behavior really indicates what an owner thinks it does – the question is bound to creep up.

So let’s take a look at animal behavior and determine – does your dog miss you when you leave the house?

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There is research to confirm that yes, your dog does miss you when you aren’t there.

Gregory Berns, Ph.D., M.D., is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral studies at the Emory School of Medicine. He was in charge of a research study known as “The Dog Project” , which confirms what every dog owner wants to believe. Dogs really do love their humans, and your pet does have the ability to truly miss you when you are away.

How Does Your Dog Miss You?

Dogs have associative memory. This term indicates that canines relate certain things they encounter – such as sounds, smells or visuals – with other events or behaviors. For instance, if they hear your keys rattling as you pick them up, they can associate that sound with the fact that you are leaving the home.

Many dog owners have experienced the behaviors which prove that your dog is expressing a different emotion. These behaviors are also readily seen by other family members still present even as their favorite human leaves.  So how can you know that your dog is missing you?

  • Many dogs will spend the day staring out the window. Others may whimper or “sigh” while lying next to the door their owner was last seen exiting, waiting for them to walk back in the same way they left.
  • Dogs are vocally expressive animals, so they often show emotion by vocalizing. Crying, howling, or barking can all indicate that they are communicating their desire for you to come back.
  • Because dogs are instinctually driven by their sense of smell, they often show their sadness at your absence by snuggling with things which have your scent, such as lying on your bed or cozying up to your dirty laundry.
    If you leave shoes around, there’s a pretty good chance that your dog will either chew on (or at the very least, spend time with) your shoes when you are gone. They love you, and those items smell like you, so it gives your dog comfort to smell your scent while they wait for you to return.
  • One of the best indicators that your dog misses you is his reaction when you return. Dogs will exhibit extreme excitement when their owner walks in – varying from jumping, excessive licking or running around in circles. Did your dog miss you? Their excitement is directly tied to their happiness to have you home.
  • If your dog tends to shadow you relentlessly when you return, it is a sure sign that he understands the difference between your presence and your absence. He was sad when you were gone, and his shadowing behavior is meant to prevent another unexpected exit.

A dog will often engage in bad behavior when their owner is not at
home. This can include minor things like tipping over food bowls, but can range up to destructive behaviors -such as chewing on your furniture or having accidents in the home. If your dog is regularly exhibiting these behaviors, you may have a more serious issue of separation anxiety. The stress of your being gone is more than your dog can cope with, and they act out as a result. This behavior requires attention.

There are ways to deal with and alleviate separation anxiety. You can train your dog to associate happy things with your exit (such as hiding Kong toys) or providing him with things to distract him throughout the day. Other options include doggy daycare, or hiring a dog walker to give your pooch some relief and companionship. It is also possible that your dog may need
medication. These are all topics to discuss with your veterinarian in order to formulate a plan to help your pet be its happiest.

Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training  is here to help. From training and behavioral solutions to obedience classes and playcare, we provide everything you need to ensure that your dog is secure and healthy – even if he continues to miss you when you are gone.