Dogs are intelligent creatures, more brilliant than you might assume. A recent study found that dogs were able to innovate and repeat actions without any direct human training for that action. In short, with sufficient incentives and human guidance, dogs could teach themselves new tricks. One of the most effective ways to begin any sort of training with an animal is through ‘clicker training.’ Clicker training is very effective with dogs and can be a fun and enjoyable time for pets and owners alike. If you have always wanted a well-trained dog, you should try clicker training!
clicker training

What is Clicker Training?

Clicker Training utilizes a clicker device, a small, handheld machine that produces a crisp, clear, and loud sound in a uniform fashion. By clicking the button and making the sound after your dog successfully completes a desired action, your dog will associate that action with the following reward, usually a treat. The clicker is essential for the association within your dog’s head. Without it, they do not often understand the perceived relationship between the reward and the action. They might just think you decided to be extra-loving today with treats!

How to Start
Whether you bring your dog to a dedicated dog training center or begin your journey at home, clicker training follows the same general steps.

Building The Association
As previously stated, developing a clear association between the clicker noise and the reward incentive is paramount for effective training. Before you introduce any tricks or commands for your dog to follow, they must understand that getting you to click that button is their new main goal. To do this, bring your pet to a room empty of distractions with a large selection and quantity of treats. Get your dog’s attention, make a clear click with the device, and reward them with a treat. If you continue this process many times a day over the course of a week, your dog will undoubtedly love your clicker. The goal, then, is they will quickly learn the tricks in order to continue hearing that noise!

Rewarding Good Behaviors
At this point, your goal should be to use your clicker throughout the day whenever you witness your dog complete your desired action. This can come in the form of tricks, such as a handshake, or desired behaviors, like laying down in their bed or going to the bathroom outside. Whichever behavior you want your dog to do more of, click immediately following their successful completion.

Teaching your dog a simple trick, such as lying down or rolling over, with this method can improve your dog’s overall behavior and ease your life at home. Even if they are not always being rewarded, continuing to click throughout the day when you notice your dog acting well will ingrain those better behaviors into their head.

Keep Up The Routine
Clicker training can show incredible results but is best if used routinely. A clicker is not mandatory; it only aims to help create a similar sound each and every time. Develop your own commands and teach your dogs using this same system, and you can instill good behaviors even when your clicker is not on hand! You must remember that your dog will associate the sound with a reward. Often enough to reinforce this memory, you must give some treats to your dog, possibly even some personal attention.

To help get started on your dog training journey, reach out to us at Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training in Bradenton.