Here on the Gulf Coast, being around the water is a way of life. Whether kayaking, fishing, or taking a sunset cruise, we love the beauty and the lifestyle our waterways afford us.

Many Sarasota and Bradenton area residents like to bring their dogs along for the ride when heading out in their boat – and what dog doesn’t love the adventure? However, pet owners should be cognizant of keeping their pet safe while on the water.  Dog parents should consider a dog life jacket for the same reasons we ourselves wear them. If you find yourself in an emergency situation and you have been hurt – or are exhausted – the life jacket may be the one thing that saves a life.

dog life jacket

Do I Really Need to Purchase a Dog Life Jacket?

Some breeds of dog, such as water spaniels and labradors, are natural swimmers. Other breeds of dog are not comfortable in the water at all. But regardless of breeding, a dog life jacket should be considered a necessity anytime the boat is in motion, and in waters which experience tides. Even a strong 4 legged swimmer can be overcome in strong tides, high waves, or an undertow. If the dog falls off a moving boat and is injured, the life vest will obviously keep them afloat.

While stationary, strong swimmers who love the water will likely be safe without a life vest.

What are the Basics of a Dog Life Jacket?

As you might imagine, dog life jackets come in a variety of colors, materials, and styles – and can be quite cute or fashionable. Aside from the aesthetics, though. here are the basics of finding the right life vest for your pooch.

  • Size the Jacket Correctly: All pet life jackets come with weight ranges, so you will first need to weigh your dog. The next step is to measure his neck, chest, and length. All of these measurements will help you to choose the right jacket for your pet. Keep in mind that each type of life jacket will have its own sizing chart, so be sure to check your dog’s measurements against each individual chart for any life jacket you are considering.
  • Look for These Features: Athough there are many types of jackets, look for one with these three important features. First, be sure the dog life jacket has a sturdy handle so you can grab the dog out of the water easily if necessary. Second, be sure that the jacket has an attachment for his leash. so you can guide him out of the water if he can still swim. Finally. look for a life jacket with a front flotation pad that the dog can rest his chin on. This will keep his head above water even if he becomes fatigued.
  • Go Bold: With so many trendy and cute options, you may be tempted to get fashionable with your choice. However, be sure that the jacket is bold and bright – neon is best – and has reflective tape so the dog can be easily seen in low visibility conditions.
  • Give it a Trial Run: Before heading out onto the water, let your dog wear the life jacket around the house. This will help you to test the fit, make sure he still has full mobility, and give him the opportunity to get used to wearing the life jacket. IF you have a pool. you may wish to let him try it out in a non-threatening and safe environment.

We love taking our dogs with us on all of our adventures – and by taking the appropriate precautions, you can be assured of a safer outing.

For advice and recommendations about your dog’s safety and behavior, call the professional Bradenton dog trainers at Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training.