Dog training is an important way to bring out the behaviors you want to see in your pet, whether staying off the furniture or being careful around kids. However, dogs are also an integral part of our families once they are adopted, and having fun together with your pets is just as important. Training your dogs to perform neat tricks can be bonding time, mental stimulation for your pup, and an avenue to show the world just how close your relationship is. Today, we will discuss some of the more enjoyable new tricks you can teach your dog to spice up your training routine and bring more fun into the household.

dog obedience school bradenton

Can All Dogs Learn These New Tricks?

Some dog owners feel that the time it takes to teach their pet new tricks isn’t worth it, especially if the tricks are just for fun and provide no utility or behavioral changes. Some also think that their dog just doesn’t take well to learning, and they don’t want to devote time to a futile effort. The good news is that most dogs are more than capable of learning new tricks if given proper motivation and encouragement, and we have discussed on our blog the best ways to support your dog through training by providing a familiar and calm training area. Part of being a dog owner is spending quality time with your pup, so instead of defaulting to a tennis ball or stick in the backyard, rotate in some of these fun training exercises. Before you know it, and without sacrificing much additional time, your dog will have a new trick in its repertoire to show off to friends and family.

Play Dead: This classic trick is a winner when it comes to parties or social gatherings. The audience’s reaction when your dog pulls off this move is always electric, so it should be a priority to learn if you want to teach your furry friend some ‘fun’ tricks. Many dog owners incorporate a ‘Bang!’ sound effect to add to the effect, but any command will suffice. To begin teaching your dog this trick, have them lie down or gently force them down to the ground, then roll them onto their back. While holding them here, give the command or hand motion and reward them with a treat. Continue this training until your dog is eager to roll on its back to receive a reward. This trick is best taught to a dog who already can lie down on command; the ‘play dead’ command can be given separately following them lying down.

Spin: Your dog has likely cutely spun around in excitement before, so why not turn this into a trick? The easiest way to teach this trick is to give a verbal command while leading your interested dog in a tight circle by holding a treat above its head in front of its face. After a few attempts, your dog should begin to spin without needing the treat directly in front of it as a motivator. While it will still follow your hand and wait for the signal, it will fall into a groove while spinning and focus on the treat after. Reward them and keep up the training until only verbal command is needed!

Beg: Making your dog beg seems harsh, but it can be adorable as they look longingly up at the treat. Hold the treat above them out of reach and slowly move it away and back, forcing them to put most of their weight on their back legs. This trick doesn’t involve complicated movement, so most dogs can quickly take to it!

No matter the training your dog needs, we are here to help. Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training are your Sarasota and Bradenton area professionals.