We’ve all seen those owners and dogs that seem to be perfectly in sync. They take their dog off the leash and he roams free, but he also returns as soon as he is called, wagging his tail, happy to comply. Even if you know that your dog loves you and that you have a relatively obedient dog, you might still be hesitant to grant your dog this kind of freedom. How do you know when your dog is ready to be out of his kennel during the day or off of his leash on walks?

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1. He responds to his name every single time.

Does your dog always, always come running back to you when you call him? When you say his name, does he look at you and make eye contact? If yes, this is a good sign that he can be granted a little more freedom.

Sarasota dog training2. He quickly heels when off leash.

If your dog always responds to the command to heel when he is not on the leash, this is a great sign that you can safely let him run without a leash. Do this test when there are other temptations and distractions around to make sure he will always follow this command.

3. He is safe around other animals and people.

If your dog is well-behaved around people and other animals, even when you are not standing right behind him, this is another good indication that you can trust him with some freedom. Many dogs meet the first two criteria but do not meet this criteria, which can create, at the very least, a annoying situation and, at the very most, a dangerous one.