While we would all love for our dogs to learn tricks and obey commands, first and foremost, they are pets that we need to love and care for. Regular grooming habits and hygiene are the best way to keep an eye on their health and strengthen the bond between the two of you. If you aren’t sure of what needs to be done to keep your pup in perfect form, this blog can help.

dog grooming and hygiene

Dog Grooming Basics

Proper grooming enhances your dog’s appearance, promotes good hygiene, and helps prevent certain health issues. Different breeds have different requirements, and too much grooming can have unintended consequences, like a loss of your dog’s natural oils or irritated skin. Check online or ask experts before you change the grooming habits of your dog.

Mouth and Dental Care – Dogs need to clean their teeth just as much as humans. Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly using a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste helps remove plaque and tartar buildup, preventing some of the same dental and heart diseases that plague humans. Start by introducing the toothpaste and toothbrush without actually completing the task, and give them a few treats along the way. When they seem comfortable around the toothpaste, try your best to brush. Some dogs, no matter how much you try to make it pleasant for them, will resist, and you might have to resort to things like dental treats that help fight plaque and bacteria.

Brushing – Regular brushing is critical to maintaining a healthy coat for your dog. It helps remove loose fur, tangles, and dirt while also stimulating the skin and promoting healthy blood circulation. Make sure to use a brush that doesn’t pull or yank on your dog’s coat; different breeds might need a broader comb to prevent their hair from getting caught. For dogs that don’t like the close bonding time that brushing can bring, give them treats and lots of attention during the process.

Bathing – Bathing can be equally crucial for keeping your dog’s coat and skin clean and free of dirt and debris. However, bathing your dog too often might damage their skin and reduce the natural oils that protect their body from the sun and other outdoor elements. Research your pup’s breed to see current recommendations on frequency and type of shampoo. 

When washing your dog, use dog-specific shampoo and lukewarm water to prevent burns to their skin and paw pads. Wet your dog thoroughly, apply shampoo, and lather it into the coat, focusing on areas that tend to get dirtiest.

Nail Care – Keeping your dog’s nails at appropriate levels can help protect them, as well as yourself. Dogs that don’t get enough exercise and natural wear of their nails might scratch their owners unintentionally when trying to play or interact. Long nails can also cause discomfort during all of your dog’s daily activities. Use dog nail clippers designed for your dog’s size and breed. Be careful not to cut too close to the ‘quick,’ a sensitive area inside the nail containing vessels and nerves.

It is natural for dogs to minimize and hide any pain from their owners. They might be suffering from dental issues, hurtful nails, or a dirty and uncomfortable fur coat. Under these conditions, teaching them new tricks or fixing obedience problems can be challenging – a deeper issue might be afoot.

If you are looking for a professional dog training and obedience school in Bradenton, Florida, contact Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training today.