Tis the season for backyard barbecues! With the 4th of July right around the corner, we knew people would be grilling out with family and friends – and that there would be lots of dogs! After all, what is an outdoor party without your favorite canine in attendance?

With so much food spread out across tables, and individual plates placed tantalizingly close to their noses – your dogs may find it difficult to resist grabbing a few bites for themselves. However, much of the food we humans consume is really not good for our pets – and some foods are downright dangerous. The good news is that there are several barbecue favorites which your dog can safely consume.

Sarasota dog training

Foods Which are Safe for Your Dogs

In general, you should be very careful when feeding human foods to your dogs. Sometimes they can have an allergic reaction, but it is more often the case that they bodies simply cannot properly digest our food. This may result in gastric distress and discomfort for your pet.

However, there are some foods which are popular at barbecues, and can be safely given to your dog. Consider this list of delicious treats, straight from your table or grill:

  • Many vegetables – such as broccoli, green beans and carrots – are a delicious and safe treat for your dog. Remember to keep them away from any dips or sauces which you may be serving up.
  • Cheese, especially cottage cheese, mozzarella, and any other lower fat variety is a great treat for your canine, according to the American Kennel Club.
  • What is a barbecue without meat? Your dog is safe to consume chicken or even beef, as long as it is not seasoned and is fully cooked. Remember, spices and sauces are not good for your dog, so if you are seasoning the items on the grill, leave one bland for your pet.

Foods such as yogurt, oatmeal, peanut butter and even pumpkin are all nutritious for dogs, but may not be standard barbecue fare. So here’s a great idea – if you know that you will have a dog or two at your barbecue, set up a dog friendly table of treats, so that dog owners have a variety of fun foods to share with their pets.

Foods Which Your Dog Cannot Eat

Some foods can cause great harm to your dog if consumed. If you have these items at your picnic or barbecue, it is important to make sure that they are out of reach of sniffing, treat-snatching dogs.

  • Chocolate: This is not an exaggerated rumor or myth – chocolate is not only toxic to dogs, but it can cause diarrhea and vomiting, seizures, irregular heart function, and even death. Do not have chocolate in an accessible location as it wreaks havoc on a dogs metabolic functions. IF a dog does ingest chocolate, call a vet immediately.
  • Grapes or Raisins: It seems hard to believe that something so obviously healthy could be dangerous, but these fruits are toxic to canines – and known to cause kidney failure if ingested.
  • Onions: The seemingly harmless onion can cause damage to your dog’s red blood cells. Therefore if you have them next to the meat at the grill, guard them carefully.
  • Alcohol: Even small amounts of alcohol can cause extreme intoxication for a dog, and can also result in seizures or even death. Because drinks are often left scattered about at a barbecue, it is important to educate your guests s to the dangers.

Including your family dog in the summer fun is always a great idea! But when it comes to sharing the food at the barbecue, a little pre-planning will go a long way to keeping them safe. For more information on the care, training and well being of your dog, you can trust the experts at Gulf Coast K9 Dog Training.