With a new year, comes new resolve to do better. This is a great time for dog owners to take stock of the things that they could be doing better for the health, safety and happiness of their dog.

For first time dog owners who aren’t sure, or long-time Bradenton dog owners who may have forgotten – here is our list of top resolutions for the new year.

Bradenton dog trainers

New Year’s Tips for Dog Owners

As dog owners who love our fur babies like family, we resolve to:

Find Time: It is not fair to any animal – but certainly not social pack animals like your dog – to be left alone all day, every day. Even with another canine companion, dogs crave the attention of their humans. Whether you need to get up 10 minutes earlier or give up a few minutes of TV, find time to pay attention to your dog and let him know you are as excited to see him as he is to see you. You may also consider taking your dog when you leave the home for social events or day trips. Many Sarasota restaurants now allow well-behaved dogs to lie next to you while you eat a nice meal. Venice has a popular dog beach, and every park allows dogs on leashes. There are many ways to include your pooch in your day to day, even if he just likes riding in the car while you run errands.

Insist on Exercise: The Number One resolution for humans every year is getting more exercise. Your dog needs exercise as well, so why not combine your efforts? Set aside a time every day for a long walk, and make it a priority in your day. Not only will you feel better, be healthier, and enjoy lower stress levels, but it will be the favorite part of your dog’s day. Promise your pet at least 2 play sessions per week as well. Play tug-of-war or fetch, or if their disposition is right, bring them to the dog park for some raucous play with puppy friends.

Stay Healthy: If your dog has not been to the vet for a check-up lately, schedule that as soon as possible. Be sure that they get a full physical, and that they are up to date on their shots and vaccinations. If you have any questions at all, bring them up with the veterinarian. Even if you are not sure if certain behaviors are a concern, mention them (such as if your dog is eating less, sleeping more, or doesn’t want to play.) They may just be getting older, or they may be suffering.

Commit to Training: One of the best ways to have a happy, well-adjusted pet (and a harmonious relationship with your dog) is to get them properly trained. You may not think that obedience training is important to their well-being, but it is. Dogs enjoy pleasing their humans, and in order to do so, they need to understand the rules and have boundaries. Dog owners need to train themselves as well – inconsistency is confusing to the dog and prohibits them from learning good behaviors. If your dog needs obedience training, get it for them. No matter their age, a dog will benefit from structure – and if you stick to it as well, you will have a whole new relationship in 2020.

Bonus Resolution: Adopt a dog who needs a home!

In the end, dogs only want what we all want – a peaceful life that makes sense, time with those we love, and a healthy lifestyle. With just a few small changes to their routine, dog owners can provide a full and happy life to their canine companions.

For assistance with dog training or obedience in the Sarasota and Bradenton area, call Gulf Coast K9 Dog Trainers.