Search and rescue training is a great way to equip your dog with a useful skill and to engage them in a fun and physical activity. This type of training is often used to help bond owner with dog, test and strengthen a dog’s obedience skills, and give him a challenging workout. Just about every breed of dog enjoys both a job and a challenge, and rescue training provides both of these.

Rescue training uses your dog’s natural tracking skills and his leaned obedience behaviors. The training begins as a game, rewarding your dog for seeking and finding you and/or your family members. While this is a skill that few family dogs will have to use regularly, it is still great mental stimulation for your dog. During rescue training, your dog will learn to go and find you and to show the handler where someone is. If your dog is not yet comfortable working off of leash, this is where we will begin, teaching your dog to focus, even when they are not being led on a leash.

All dogs are welcome in rescue training, but we especially encourage breeds that were bred specifically for hunting and herding. If your dog has problem behaviors like aggression, it might be best to attend our aggression rehab before engaging in this type of training for your dog. We will work on many different terrains, allow you to hide and to seek with your dog. Dogs see this is a high-reward game, making them eager to participate and learn. If you already play hide and seek with your dog at home, he is going to love this more advanced version of that game! Whether you just want to start teaching your dog this great skill or you eventually want your dog to become a search and rescue animal, this training is the place to start!